Griffith: Fresh 48 Birth session

I absolutely love births and Fresh 48 sessions. There is nothing like seeing a fresh new baby come earthside or brand new parents doting on their precious new baby! It gives me all the feels 🙂 Having had 5 kids myself, I know how precious those first moments are. Especially for first time parents! I remember having my first baby and just the birth high alone was magical! I couldn’t believe I had just done that and now I am holding a little human that I made! Ok I m gonna stop now or I will cry haha!

These first time parents got a double dose of cuteness with TWINS! Two sweet boys who decided to come very early but flew right on out of the Nicu! It was such pleasure to be able to come and see them and capture these first precious moments they had with their new baby boys.

Is a fresh 48 session something you are interested in? Email me so we can discuss details!

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